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Global Tang Soo Do Association:
Our school is part of the Global Tang Soo Do Assoc. We have been under the leadership of Grandmaster T.H. Kim for many years now. Many of our students now get the opportunity to learn from Grandmaster Kim at seminars, blackbelt evaluations, and other events through our association. Our black belt testing is conducted at the GTSDA headquarters where Great Grand Master T.M.Kim is often in attendance. www.gtsda.com/ |
About Tang Soo Do:
Tang Soo Do is a complete martial art, with its' roots lying in ancient China, Korea, and India. It spans more than 2,000 years of development. It is a composite art of 60 percent Korea Soo Bahk, 30 percent Northern Chinese, and 10 percent Southern Chinese martial arts. Literally translated, the Korean word Tang means "Chinese" or "Worthy"; Soo implies "a hand or fist to block, punch, strike, or defend"; and Do means "Chinese Hand Way" or "Worthy art of empty-handed defense." Tang Soo Do is a living art. It continues to flourish around the globe. It is not a sport but has great combat application. It is a classical martia art with a purpose: to develop every aspect of the self by totally integrating intellect, body, emotion, and spirit. This total integration develops a person free from inner conflict who deals with the world in a mature, intelligent, asssertive, virtuous manner. The philosophy of Tang Soo Do is based on the unity of mind, body, and spirit. To defend itself effectively, the mind trains the body to coordinate movement. However, the development of the body and the coordination of Tang Soo Do techniques are not fully effective unless they occur in conjunction with the development of respect, morality, character, courtesy, self-discipline, patience, forgiveness, and humility. Tang Soo Do is a combination of a state of mind working in unison with a trained body. When courtesy, respect, and humility accompany mental and physical skills, the use of Tang Soo Do becomes an art. For a more detailed history check out www.gtsda.com/?page_id=55 |